About US

Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer organization dedicated to working with parents, families, teachers, and administration to benefit our school. PTO helps to provide many support services throughout the year.  We recognize that a great school has great parental support and engagement. The PTO is working hard to plan events and activities for students and teachers at Burr Elementary.  Burr Elementary PTO is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.

Mr Mueller


Andrea Misho


Christina Courtney

Vice President

Hello, I'm excited to be your PTO Vice president. I have been with the board for a few years now. I have 5 kids, some are bull dogs others are grown. I am also a Girl scout leader & one of the Schools lunch mom's.

Jessica Kaiser


Attended Burr Elementary, Jeannette Jr. High and Stevenson High School. Has 5 children in UCS.  She has children at Stevenson, Davis and Burr.  Jessica works at Kaiser Studio in the sports picture production department and also as accountant for R-B Financial/Mortgages, Inc.  Has been helping with the PTO for years with fundraising, special events and working closely with the teachers to make sure to help the students and staff the best we can.

Julie Fiebig


I have one child who is a Burr student. I run a couple of my own small businesses and manage a few other. I have been active in the PTO for a few years.

Jenny Dubay

Fundraiser Coordinator

Hello! I am Burr's PTO president. I have been involved with PTO and on the board for a few years now. I have 2 children who one is a Burr student and one is in Jr. High. I look forward to meeting you at our meetings and events!

Auday Putrus

Event Coordinator

Miss. Washburn

Teacher Representative

I am a Third Grade teacher. I have 1 child. I am the teacher Rep for the school.